Sunday, August 23
Have I Created a Monster?
Sunday, June 21
I knew when I started this blog in the winter that posting in the busy summer would be a challenge. Not surprisingly, I was right.
It all comes down to setting priorities of which I have waaayyyy too many! According to the dictionary, a priority is: a thing that is regarded as more important than another. So, here is my list IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER OF PRIORITY):
- Hoof Pix® (= happy customers = income. hahahahah, that always cracks me up);
- Digital Imagery (the card/poster side of Hoof Pix®, the website of which is buggy right now);
- riding / competing Irish (= happy me / loss of income);
- barn/farm chores (includes organizing weekly lessons / clinics on Hoof Pix® Farm)
- posting to this Blog / FaceBook (= staying in touch & promoting the business);
- husband, cats, household stuff (paying bills, groceries, cooking, cleaning (NOT!)
Since it's inception (1992) Hoof Pix® has taken top priority with respect to my time. And believe me, travel and computer work could easily occupy 28 hours of the day, if I let it. But for the next few years (I hope), this will change, somewhat. What has happened is Irish and me. We are finally on the same page and have begun to event again after several years of lost confidence following a nasty fall. With tons of wonderful instruction & support from my coach, Babette Lenna, including the past two winters with her in Aiken, SC, I am psyched and thrilled with our progress and intend to get out there this year as much as my shooting schedule allows.
For the summer months at least, this Blog will have to take a lower priority, not because I don’t enjoy it, but because I want to spend my time with Irish, and I MUST spend my time running the business. A friend commented recently that this is OK. She and other “fans” of the blog are also busy this time of year and have less time to visit the Blog.
I guess its a win-win situation. I will do my best to post when I can, and my readers can visit on occasion to see what’s new.
Sunday, April 26
Tally Ho!
Our jump lesson with Babette was great, picking up from 2 weeks ago. We finished with a few rounds through the water too!
Friday, April 17
It's the Little Things...
Thursday, April 9
Waking Up to Spring
Saturday, April 4
What Goes Around Comes Around
Thursday, April 2
Keeping One Eye on the Ball
The polo leg of the Aiken Triple Crown did happen on Sunday. The rain left and skies cleared but the wind was fierce! Sadly our plan for a big sideline party was whittled down to Polly, Em, Susan Cipolla and me. The rest of our group had departed for home very early Sunday morning.
Saturday, March 28
SIGNS of Spring
Monday, March 23
Finishing Up at Pine Top
Now it's my turn. Irish and I have two days to cram for a BN combined test at Sporting Days... and I still haven't worked on the taxes!!
Saturday, March 21
Three Redheads
This is the last USEA competition before everyone heads home. Activities at New Bridge Polo Club have slowed to a crawl, at least with respect to eventers. We are the last group occuping a barn there. The polo ponies have emerged, getting legged up for their season and it's been "interesting" suddenly coming upon a string of them on the roads....two riders each with 3 or 4 ponies and all lined up shoulder to shoulder. Irish was so fascinated when he saw the first string ahead of him, it was all I could do to keep him in walk.. he wanted to catch-up and join the party.
Writing this from Lucy's car as we are headed home from Pine Top. All riders/horses did
Saturday, March 14
Where Did the Heat Go?!
The weather was perfect, if not a tad too hot, for 3 days at Jumping Branch. I set up my trailer with cards & posters and had moderate sales but a lot of interest and positive reactions. A brisk wind kept me busy policing the posters on flimsy easels as they spent more time tipping over than staying upright. Duct tape is a wonderful thing! Many thanks to Lucy's mom Michele for "manning the booth" for me on Sunday, this was hopefully the beginning of a beautiful business relationship.
Looking ahead (3 more weeks!)... my husband Kevin arrives Wed. night! some of the B-Event team heads to Pine Top next weekend... the Aiken Triple Crown starts today with flat races at the track, steeplechase then polo to follow the next two weekends. I may have one chance to ride Irish in a combined test soon.. anyone want to take photos of us?!!
Wednesday, March 4
Preparing for Jumping Branch H.T.
Wednesday, February 25
Gads! Where did the week go?!
Tuesday, February 24
Movin' On
Meghan & Rikita had moved up to 4th after their XC ride, so we all braved the chill and went to cheer them on. (Disclaimer: my apology for getting Rikita's nick- name wrong all this time, but since no one corrected me I went on my merry way until I overheard Meghan talking about Rikita... *sheesh*). The two did not disappoint and rode a stead clear round to keep their 4th place!
Saturday, February 21
Triple Clear X-Country Day
And finally... Dog of the Day:
Friday, February 20
Dressage Day at Paradise Farm
... including two Merrill pups who always seem to be laughing behind Polly's back... how sad.