I knew when I started this blog in the winter that posting in the busy summer would be a challenge. Not surprisingly, I was right.
It all comes down to setting priorities of which I have waaayyyy too many! According to the dictionary, a priority is: a thing that is regarded as more important than another. So, here is my list IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER OF PRIORITY):
- Hoof Pix® (= happy customers = income. hahahahah, that always cracks me up);
- Digital Imagery (the card/poster side of Hoof Pix®, the website of which is buggy right now);
- riding / competing Irish (= happy me / loss of income);
- barn/farm chores (includes organizing weekly lessons / clinics on Hoof Pix® Farm)
- posting to this Blog / FaceBook (= staying in touch & promoting the business);
- husband, cats, household stuff (paying bills, groceries, cooking, cleaning (NOT!)
Since it's inception (1992) Hoof Pix® has taken top priority with respect to my time. And believe me, travel and computer work could easily occupy 28 hours of the day, if I let it. But for the next few years (I hope), this will change, somewhat. What has happened is Irish and me. We are finally on the same page and have begun to event again after several years of lost confidence following a nasty fall. With tons of wonderful instruction & support from my coach, Babette Lenna, including the past two winters with her in Aiken, SC, I am psyched and thrilled with our progress and intend to get out there this year as much as my shooting schedule allows.
For the summer months at least, this Blog will have to take a lower priority, not because I don’t enjoy it, but because I want to spend my time with Irish, and I MUST spend my time running the business. A friend commented recently that this is OK. She and other “fans” of the blog are also busy this time of year and have less time to visit the Blog.
I guess its a win-win situation. I will do my best to post when I can, and my readers can visit on occasion to see what’s new.